RENEWABLE ENERGY Estudi d’Enginyeria SCP offers its experience in all the phases necessary for an installation that uses renewable resources: wind, mini-hydraulic and photovoltaic energy. We begin by looking for the proper location, followed by the construction and ultimately management of the installation once it is built. WIND POWER Early phase and permits: - Search for new locations - Analysis of the technical and economic viability of new uses; Business plan - Measurement of wind power resources - Agreements with landowners - Writing of the technical project - Writing of the environmental impact study - Response to possible allegations - Procedures for connection to electric power lines - Procedures for obtaining Recognition of a Special Regime (Industry Department) Construction phase: - Processing of the building permit - Specification for contracting wind turbines, civil engineering works, electrical part and comparison of offers - Follow-up of assembly and start-up of the installation - Environmental follow-up of the work Operation phase: - Daily wind and output forecast - Alarm follow-up - Maintenance plan MINI-HIDRAULIC - Analysis of technical viability of new hydraulic uses, upgrades and improvements - Hydrological and output studies - Concession projects - Environmental impact studies - Processing of concession before the Agencia Catalana del Agua (Catalan Water Agency) or the relevant Hydrographic Confederation Operating phase: - Performance analysis and proposal for improvements in the groups - Hydraulic analysis and proposal for improvement - Automation of the installation - Legalization of installations - Management of environmental flow PHOTOVOLTAIC - Search for new locations - Agreements with landowners - Writing of the technical project - Writing of the environmental impact study - Response to possible allegations - Procedures for connection to electric power lines - Procedures for obtaining Recognition of a Special Regime (Industry Department) Construction phase: - Processing of the building permit - Specification to undertake a turnkey project - Follow-up of assembly and start-up of the installation - Environmental follow-up of works Operating phase: - Daily output forecast - Alarm follow-up - Maintenance plan - Thermography of photovoltaic panels Technical studies, assessments and reports Agricultural, forest and rural concerns Environment, urbanism and landscape |
ESTUDI D’ENGINYERIA SCP · C/ Rosselló 229, 2on 2a A · Barcelona 08008 · Tel: +34 615 93 35 49 estudienginyeria@gmail.com